Survey on the recognition, attitudes, and experience of horse owners during episodes of equine colic in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


abdominal pain, colic, equine, horse-owner, veterinary assistance.

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Costa, M. H. da S., Medeiros, P. R., Melo, U. P., de Souza, R. F., da Silva, G. E. L. ., Ferreira , C. ., de Assis, D. B., da Silva , L. P., & de Brito Filho, E. L. (2022). Survey on the recognition, attitudes, and experience of horse owners during episodes of equine colic in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil . Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 44, e003022.


Horse owners are crucial in recognizing colic because they are responsible for identifying the signs of colic and deciding whether to seek veterinary intervention. Common reasons for delayed response to clinical issues include lack of understanding or knowledge of the subject and difficulty in recognizing subtle clinical signs of abdominal pain. Examining horse owners’ basic knowledge of colic, their motivations, obstacles in seeking veterinary care, and their responses to the various clinical symptoms manifested during colic will identify current knowledge gaps and decision-making barriers. This study aimed to examine the experiences, recognition, and attitudes of horse owners during an episode of equine colic in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted using questionnaires in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample consisted of horse owners, competitors of any equestrian modality (provided that they were responsible for a horse at the time of the application of the questionnaire), or individuals who had previously owned a horse. There were differences related to the recognition and attitudes adopted towards colic in horses compared to the studies performed in other countries. The overall results of this study highlight the need for educational campaigns for horse owners to fill knowledge gaps about colic and the need for a clearer picture of colic, including what it is, the predisposing factors, and the range of symptoms. Additionally, this knowledge will equip horse owners to appropriately respond to these symptoms.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana Henrique da Silveira Costa, Paulo Roberto Medeiros, Ubiratan Pereira Melo, Renato Fernandes de Souza, Gabriel Evangelista Lopes da Silva, Cíntia Ferreira , Daniel Barbosa de Assis, Leanderson Paiva da Silva , Emilson Lima de Brito Filho